Timolol Maleate 0.5 %/5 ml

[Generic Equivalent Of Timoptic]
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Prescription Required
Quantity: 1
Price: $18.99    $18.99 per unit
Country: Canada
* All prices are in US dollars.

Timoptic Information:

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Timoptic (generic name: Timolol Maleate, also called Timoptol, Iotim) is a prescription only medication of the beta blocker type used to lower the pressure in the eyes of persons suffering from ocular hypertension (high eye pressure) or chronic open angle glaucoma – one of the most common causes of blindness in Canada, the United States and Europe. Timoptic has this effect by reducing the aqueous humor, the fluid made by the eye. Timoptic and generic timolol maleate come in multi-drop vials of 10 ml or 5 ml. Timoptic should always be used exactly as your doctor instructs.

Timoptic Side Effects:

Side effects of Timoptic are rare as it is generally well tolerated. Side effects of Timoptic are often the result of imprecise application. Most commonly reported side effects are redness and itching of the eye, swollen eyelids, stinging and short lived visual disturbances for example blurring. Much more rarely, patients using Timoptic have reported the following side effects: wheezing, confusion and disorientation, depression, lethargy, mood swings and crusting and oozing discharge of the eye, coldness of the hands and/or feet. If you experience sudden swelling of the mouth, lips, tongue or throat, difficulty in swallowing or breathing seek medical attention urgently.

Timoptic Precautions:

Do not use Timoptic if you are using betaxolol or other beta blocker eye drops. Do not use Timoptic if you have asthma, COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease), an unusually slow heartbeat, heart failure or cardiogenic shock. Do not use Timoptic if you are planning to conceive, pregnant or breast feeding unless your doctor specifically tells you to do so as Timoptic does pass into breast milk. Do not use Timoptic if you are known to be allergic to timolol maleate or the preservative benzalkonium chloride. Caution must be exercised when treating individuals with Timoptic if they have or have ever had diabetes, low blood sugar (hypoglycaemia), an over active thyroid (hyperthyroidism), emphysema, heart problems, problems maintaining muscle tone such myasthenia gravis or general muscle weakness or blood vessel problems including cerebrovascular insufficiency (low blood flow to the brain). It is important to tell you doctor about the prescription drugs and over the counter medications you take. You may not be able to use Timoptic if you take oral beta blockers, theophylline, SSRI anti-depressants such as fluoxitine (prozac), epinephrine, the diabetes medications insulin and sulfonylureas, methyldopa, digoxin, quinidine or reserpine.

Buy Timoptic Online

Timoptic and generic Timolol Maleate are prescription only medications for which you must hold a valid RX for prescription drugs in Canada. Timoptic drops are available from our affiliated Canadian pharmacy at 0.25 %/5 ml, 0.25 %/10 ml, and 5 %/5 ml. You can be assured that your purchase will be shipped promptly and delivered to your door discreetly packaged.

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Do I need a prescription to order Timolol Maleate 0.5 %/5 ml ?

Yes, a prescription is required from your physician to order Timolol Maleate 0.5 %/5 ml.
The generic alternative is not manufactured by the company that makes the brand product.

The content on this page has been supplied to bigmountaindrugs.com by an independent third party contracted to provide information for our website. BigMountainDrugs relies on these third parties to create and maintain this information and cannot guarantee the medical efficacy, accuracy or reliability of the information that has been provided to us. If you require any advice or information about the drugs on this page, a medical condition or treatment advice, you should always speak to a health professional. Please note that not all products, including any referenced on this page, are shipped by our affiliated Canadian Pharmacy. We affiliate with other dispensaries that ship products to our customers from the following jurisdictions: Canada, Singapore, New Zealand, Turkey, Mauritius, India, and the United Kingdom. The items in your order may be shipped from any of the above jurisdictions. The products are sourced from various countries as well as those listed above. Rest assured, we only affiliate with our authorized dispensaries that procure products through reliable sources.

Reviews From Real Customers
Prescriptions Dispensed from Canada are Dispensed by: Candrug Pharmacy, ID#18985 604-543-8711. 202A 8322-130th Street, Surrey, British Columbia, Canada V3W 8J9. Pharmacy Manager: Carol Hou.
This pharmacy is duly licensed in the province of British Columbia, Canada by the College of Pharmacists of BC. If you have any questions or concerns you can contact the college at: 200-1765 West 8th Ave Vancouver, BC V6J 5C6 Canada. In addition to dispensing from our affiliated Canadian dispensing pharmacy, we also arrange for your medications to be dispensed from licensed pharmacies and international fulfilment centers that are approved by the regulatory bodies in their respective countries. We affiliate with dispensaries in the following jurisdictions that ship product to our customers: Canada, Mauritius, India, New Zealand, Australia, Turkey, and United Kingdom. All prices are in US dollars.
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